ORCHA – one of the innovations currently supported by the NHS Innovation Accelerator – is conducting research to determine the factors likely to drive the utilisation of digital health.

With the evaluation of digital health technologies now much more transparent following the publication of the NICE evidence framework, and the demand for health-apps from patients high; healthcare professionals are a key, but under-studied stakeholder in the digital health arena, if digital health is to have the impact it is hoped it will.

ORCHA wants to know what healthcare providers care about, what is important when considering prescribing an app, and where do efforts need to be made to encourage healthcare providers to engage in the use of digital health technologies, and fulfil the NHS digital vision.

If you’re a healthcare provider, please consider completing this short survey, which should take no more than five minutes, and share the link with colleagues.Once you have completed the survey, please email to hello@orcha.co.uk[button type=”rd_stroke_bt” size=”medium_rd_bt” icon_color=”#ffffff” t_color=”#ffffff” b_color=”#006298″ url=”https://nhsaccelerator.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/What-matters-to-healthcare-providers.pdf” target=”yes” position=”ta_center”]Complete survey[/button]