Asma and her innovation, Home Monitoring of Hypertension in Pregnancy (HaMpton), were supported by the NIA from 2017-2020.
Asma is a consultant obstetrician at St George’s Hospital and Reader at St George’s Medical School, University of London. She is a subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine. She gained her MD at the University of London in 2009. She also has a Masters degree in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and an MRC scholarship.
She has published more than 150 peer reviewed papers, and many published review articles and chapters. She was awarded many research prizes, both at national and international meetings. Her research interests include hypertensive disease in pregnancy and fetal growth restriction. She is committed to the implementation of clinical guidelines in practice and believes that they could reduce inequalities in care across the NHS. She is a member of the NICE Quality Standards and co-chairs the South West Maternity Network. She also chairs the Steering Committee of the Maternity Engagement Project to improve the outcomes of multiple pregnancies. She is a member of the national fetal medicine Clinical Study Group. She has active collaborations with international societies, particularly in developing countries.
HaMpton is an app that allows patients to monitor their blood pressure, urine and symptoms at home.