Presently, there are 5.8 million patients in outpatient waiting, 8 million missed appointments, and 4 million short-notice cancellations.
Deep Medical’s approach empowers booking teams to anticipate appointment misses or last-minute cancellations, employing AI’s predictive finesse. This foresight fuels multi-tenant workflows, scalable, targeted outreach, and AI-driven personalisation, maintaining a steady patient inflow.
This ground-breaking solution is live in Mid and South Essex FT, already halving DNAs post text messaging, promising an extra 142,000 annual appointments and a staggering 30-fold ROI. ;
The impact
Based on an independently assessed 2023 pilot study across Mid and South Essex NHS FT, it’s anticipated Deep Medical will help the trust achieve:
• Improved service provision by backup-booking an extra 110,000 appointment slots currently lost to DNAs
• Time savings by eliminating the wastage of 46,000 appointment slots cancelled by patients at short notice
• Financial savings at a benefit-to-cost ratio of 30:1 and with the net benefit to the Trust estimated at £27.5m
Every slot is filled. They’re paying me to see 12 patients in a morning clinic and I see 12 patients.”
Professor Tony Young OBE
National Clinical Lead for Innovation NHS England
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Associate Medical Director Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
For more information, visit Deep Medical