Paul has been working in research related roles in both academia and the NHS for over 20 years, contributing to large National Programmes of research and evaluation within both. Recently, he has been overseeing the Research and Evaluation activity within primary care across the whole of West Yorkshire, starting with the clustered PCT’s, though the CSU and CCG and now act as the Head of Research at NHS Yorkshire ICB.

Paul is a member of the Study Set Advisory Board of the HRA and he sits on both the R&D Forum Primary Care and Integrated Care Board groups. While studying his postgraduate degrees at the University of Essex, he was also a lecturer to both undergraduate courses linked to the BA honours programme, which included Economic Theory, Economic Policy and Quantitative Methods. He also lectured on postgraduate courses in the Master’s programme, namely Quantitative Methods and Statistics. Paul currently delivers part of two Master’s degree programmes at the University of Leeds, one being in the Data Science postgraduate course and the other on the proposed new Implementation course.