Missed medical appointments are a silent crisis in healthcare. Each year, millions of patients don’t make it to their scheduled visits, often for reasons beyond their control – like the cost of travel, unreliable public transport, or the challenge of taking time off work. For those with long-term conditions, missing just two appointments a year can triple their risk of death. That’s not just an inconvenience; it’s a life-threatening issue.

Enter Deep Medical and Uber Health, two companies joining forces to change how patients get to their appointments. Deep Medical’s AI technology predicts which patients are at risk of missing appointments up to two weeks in advance. It’s not just about reminding patients; it’s about addressing the deeper issues that keep them from showing up. With this insight, clinics can reschedule appointments or arrange transport with Uber Health, helping patients get the care they need when they need it.

Why is this so important? The NHS currently spends a staggering £460 million annually on non-emergency patient transport, much of it through expensive ambulance services. Not only is this costly, but these ambulances emit as much CO2 as 14,000 cars on UK roads each year. By offering a more sustainable and flexible transport option, Deep Medical and Uber Health aim to cut costs, reduce emissions, and improve patient access to care.

By improving access to hospitals, we aim to address the 8 million missed appointments, ensuring that more of the 6.3 million patients waiting for outpatient care are seen. This initiative could also significantly improve outcomes for the 20% most deprived in our communities, who currently have a life expectancy ten years shorter than the wealthiest 20%.”

Dr. Benyamin Deldar, Co-Founder of Deep Medical and a former NHS Doctor

Already, the impact is clear. Where Deep Medical’s AI system is in place, missed appointments have dropped by 30%. That’s more doctors’ time saved, more patients seen, and better health outcomes – especially for the most deprived communities, where life expectancy can be ten years shorter than the wealthiest.

Zachary Clark, Global Head of Uber Health, adds, “The lack of access to transportation can be a major barrier to successful appointment attendance. By working with Uber Health to streamline patient transport, Deep Medical can help reduce missed appointments, save money for the NHS, and ultimately help improve patient outcomes.”

This partnership isn’t just about getting patients from point A to B; it’s about transforming how we think about access to healthcare. By making transport smarter, greener, and more patient-friendly, Deep Medical and Uber Health are paving the way for a future where getting to an appointment is one less thing to worry about.