Ross O’Brien
Ross is the former Managing Director of WYSA for the UK and Europe. Wysa is the world leader in AI mental health support with 6 million users across 95 countries. Ross established Wysa as a leader in the UK digital mental health support, securing NHS contracts across Children and Young People and Adults Services. Ross exited the NHS in 2021 as the Associate Director Innovation and Technology at Central and North West London NHS where Ross was also the Lead for the Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service which is the NHS mental health service established following the Grenfell Tower fire of 2017 to support the community affected by the tragedy.
Ross was also the Programme Lead of the London Digital Talking Therapies Programme at Healthy London Partnerships and worked to establish a digital single point of access and triage tool for all Londoners accessing NHS talking therapy services.
Ross is a graduate from the Digital Health London Digital Pioneer Fellowship and a former fellow of the NHS National Innovation Accelerator
Ross is the co-founder of the UK XR Health Alliance and the Global Holomedicine Association. Ross was the Lead Author for ‘The Growing Value of XR in Healthcare in the UK’ a report bringing together UK the NHS, UKRI and Health Education England to create a strategy for UK Immersive Healthcare.
Ross holds a Human Rights Masters from the University of London. Ross is a father of 2 and lives in Hove, UK.
Twitter: twitter.com/rossobr1en. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ross-o-brien-a270917b/