The challenge
Hospitals are inefficient and chaotic places, where operational problems delay staff and prevent best patient care; such as faulty IT, missing equipment, estates and infection control issues. The impact is huge, for example the NHS has experienced a 32% increase in cancelled operations due to operational problems.
The solution
By delivering the world’s only app for healthcare staff to report any operational issue, MediShout turns hospitals into a digitally-smart environments, where processes are automated and staff can deliver best patient care. MediShout provides a “one-stop” app for healthcare staff to report and resolve any operational issue, with data triaged to the right person at the right time, whilst AI-algorithms predict future problems.
MediShout integrates with existing service helpdesks and equipment suppliers, provides real-time feedback to staff and improves efficiency for operational teams too. It has a wide user-base including patients, clinicians and administrators.
The technology improves efficiencies and prevents delays, enabling better care and cost savings.
Since we have started using MediShout to log our Estates, Equipment and ICT issues we have had a much more robust oversight of the issues affecting our service delivery and are able to easily identify outstanding tasks and chase with the relevant service teams.
Ian Gilmour, Paediatric ED Matron
The impact
• NHS Trusts can save £1 million per year in efficiency savings plus additional cash-releasing savings*
• Clinicians can save up to 15 minutes daily**
• Time spent reporting issues reduces from 10 minutes to 35 seconds per issue*
• Improved PPE allocation at Imperial College Healthcare Trust during Covid-19***
• Won £75,000 Innovate UK grant funding and £1million Venture Capital funding in 2020
• Accepted to Microsoft For Start-Ups accelerator and Department of International Trade’s First 100 Digital companies
*Health economic impact report by Health Enterprise East.
**Published results, Journal of mHealth. Oct/Nov 2016. Volume 3 Issue 5.
***Published results, Journal of mHealth. Jul/August 2020. Volume 7 Issue 4.