Top 10 stories and insights in 2018

A round-up of the ten most popular blogs, case studies and insight articles from NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) Fellows, Mentors and partners in 2018.
The announcement of our new research report was the most popular story in 2018. Understanding how and why the NHS adopts innovation was launched at a Market Open Ceremony at the London Stock Exchange by Health and Social Care Secretary, Matt Hancock in November. Available to read here, the research captures real-world insight and learning from NHS sites as to how they have successfully implemented NIA innovations, including top tips for innovators and adopters.
This insightful blog from NIA Fellow and CEO of Damibu, Dave Burrows, is packed full of tips and advice to innovators looking to sell their product or technology into the NHS.
3. How to apply for the NHS Innovation Accelerator
This webinar was the go-to guide for those applying for the new NIA cohort last autumn. Providing an overview of the NIA and the support available to successful applicants, it also offered a step-by-step guide to the application process, and insight as to what makes for a successful scaling plan.
4. How to try to ensure fidelity when others are delivering your model of care
When it comes to scaling a model of care on a national level, there are numerous challenges around safeguarding this model and ensuring fidelity, regardless of who is delivering it. NIA Fellows Karina Allen and Mike Hurley, describe some of the measures and strategies they have put in place to ensure the fidelity of their innovative care models.
5. De-risking innovation: it isn’t just about the evidence
At number five is this comment piece from our National Director, Dr Amanda Begley, featured on the HSJ website. Sharing insight from NIA Fellows, Amanda says: “Evidence is one factor that helps to ‘de-risk’ an innovation and accelerate its adoption and spread, but there are a range of assurances and mitigations that can support and speed up successful implementation.”
6. Educating the next generation around health apps: ORCHA’s Digital Healthy Schools
Reflecting on the success around ORCHA’s Digital Healthy Schools, CEO and NIA Fellow, Liz Ashall-Payne, discusses how digital health apps can positively impact young people, with education delivered as part of the PHSE curriculum in schools.
7. A social movement for a better conversation
Our seventh most popular story of 2018 was this case study, written by NIA Alumni, Dr Penny Newman. Penny describes how creating a social movement around her workforce innovation, Health Coaching, supported spread across England’s NHS to empower patients to self-manage and make clinicians’ work easier.
8. The spread challenge (and why invention is only half the story)
Number eight is from guest blogger, John Illingworth, Head of Patient Safety at UCLPartners. John shares his reflections on the unique challenges innovation adoption in healthcare can bring and describes how UCLPartners is taking a new approach which recognises the value of early adopters in this process when given sufficient support.
A news story announcing the publication of an evaluation of the NIA is at number nine. Funded by The Health Foundation and authored by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES), this independent evaluation identifies some of the key conditions essential for the adoption and spread of innovations in the NHS.
10. From little acorns grow: How can entrepreneurs engage effectively with investors?
In the past five years, Melissa Morris has grown Lantum from working with one GP practice to over 40 GP Federations, raising over £5.3M of investment in the process. Here, she shares her experience and advice on how entrepreneurs can best engage with investors.
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