Insights listing
Case studyContinuing Healthcare Improvement: digital transformation in Cheshire and Wirral7th May 2019 | NHS Innovation Accelerator Staff
Case studyMy Story: How an app revealed early stages of skin cancer20th March 2019 | NHS Innovation Accelerator Staff
BlogCollaboration and relationships key to successful NIA selection process26th February 2019 | NHS Innovation Accelerator Staff
Case studyHow NIA Fellow, Asma Khalil, used the power of media and PR to promote the HaMpton app25th February 2019 | Asma Khalil
BlogHarnessing the power of media and PR to promote your health innovation25th February 2019 | Will Iredale
Case studyLaunching CATCH in Knowsley – A Case Study for Providers21st February 2019 | NHS Innovation Accelerator Staff
BlogTop 10 stories and insights in 201811th January 2019 | NHS Innovation Accelerator Staff
BlogRetrospective from an NIA Mentor27th November 2018 | Dr Robert Winter
BlogHope is not a strategy27th November 2018 | Adrian Downing
BlogA letter from my future self27th November 2018 | Neil Guha
BlogEducating the next generation around health apps: ORCHA’s Digital Healthy Schools26th November 2018 | Liz Ashall-Payne
Case studyA social movement for a Better Conversation26th November 2018 | NHS Innovation Accelerator Staff